Sunday, November 11, 2012

BREAKING: The World Realizes Ronnie Radke is a Dick

    Earlier this evening, a very butthurt I See Stars released a statement in conjunction with Sumerian Records blasting Falling in Reverse (ex-Escape the Fate) frontman Ronnie Radke in an 8-minute video (see below). Re-posted and tweeted by other Sumerian bands such as Born of Osiris and Winds of Plague, the video features probably the most intimidating specimen of a human being on earth (Brooklyn accent included) listing Radke's criminal history as well as his idiocy on the terribly-named The Thug in You Is Me (just typing it makes me cringe) tour.
      According to I See Stars, Radke kicked I See Stars off the tour following the discovery of weed in the band's van a few months ago. I See Stars offered to play the tour for free, so "we [I See Stars] could still keep our commitment to the fans, i.e. the people who are the reason any of this is even possible."
       Radke allegedly agreed, but forced the band to sign non-disclosure paperwork so that it wouldn't get out that the band was playing for free. However, Radke proceeded to do what he does best and be a complete ass to the band, culminating in a massive temper tantrum at the tour's Detroit show. Radke, in a fit of egotistical fury, lambasted and insulted fans who were chanting for I See Stars before ordering them to leave the venue. The fans were made to leave forcefully by security. One fan was ejected for wearing an Escape the Fate shirt, as testament to Radke's pettiness.
        This has resulted in a rapidly growing backlash against Radke mostly disseminated by the video. What I find particularly funny is that it's taken so long for this to get noticed. Radke is a notoriously arrogant sack of shit with more criminal offences under his belt than makeup on his face.  From being implicated in a shooting and being charged with manslaughter to sleeping with an underage fan, he's no stranger to breaking the law - hell, he's even been in prison!
          And yet he doesn't stop. Radke threw microphone stands into the audience at a show a few months ago, injuring fans and nearly cracking one's skull. Following his 'antics', the Six Flags venue posted a ban on all future metal shows. Well done, you ass.
          None of this news has hit the mainstream mostly because, well, Falling in Reverse never quite managed to hit the mainstream as well as Escape the Fate did. Maybe it's because their songs feature lyrics as awful as 'shut up, bitch, suck my dick!', or because their primary (and only) audience consists of 12-year old girls.  In either case, Radke's unfounded ego has made some of the band's only press negative.
        In any case, here's the video in question:
        EDIT: It seems someone has found Radke's wikipedia page:
         EDIT 2: I forgot to mention possibly Radke's biggest fuckup. Following a suicide attempt by Get Scared frontman Nick Matthews, Radke messaged Matthews' girlfriend with a joke about the situation. You can read an article on the subject here.

1 comment:

  1. and congratulations to you for going back to a post made in 2012! truly you showed me!
