- You'll stand in the back and quietly headbang or listen to the music.
A lot of people will say there are no rules for the latter - anything goes. However, there are certain set-in-stone understandings between pitters that are important to remember. Moshing at metal shows, for all the negative press it gets, is actually one of the safest types of shows to mosh at (punk shows are a mess, and hiphop concerts can be rather unforgiving). With that being said, here are some things to keep in mind the next time you think about throwing down.
1. Never start a pit alone
If you're new to shows, the temptation to get a mosh pit going can be large, but this is a one-way ticket to getting pushed to the back. It sounds silly, but pits tend to just...happen. Either the band will ask for one (in what is generally called a 'mosh call', usually a screamed line like 'c'mon!' or 'move!') or seven or eight people will just start moving.
At hardcore shows, someone may ask you to 'clear a pit'. What this means is as a band comes on, several people will push the crowd back, creating an open area in which you can throw down. Notice again that you're never initiating anything by yourself.
Above all else, don't be that guy who tries to start a circle pit by running in circles. This sometimes works at indie shows, but at metal concerts you'll either wind up plowing into people who don't want to move, looking like an idiot, or both. A circle pit is signaled by twirling your index finger in a circle in the air. However, unless the band asks for one, it's unlikely it'll start.
2. If you're going to mosh, stay away from the sides of the pit
Whether you're throwing down or in a push pit, you're going to hit the side of the pit by accident more than once. Don't make a habit of standing there. Most people standing on the side will hold out their fists or elbows if you get too close. If you're pushed into them, get back into the pit. If you're throwing down too close to them, move. The last thing anyone wants is a punch to the head when they weren't doing anything.
Consideration for people not moshing comprises one of the most basic premises of concert etiquette - a practice that can be surprisingly absent depending on your local scene. Obviously, to avoid making people angry, you should try and respect everyone's space - as hard as that may be at a packed show.
3. If you hit, prepare to get hit back.
Again, it's inevitable that you'll get hit in a pit (that rhymed too well) - bruises and cuts are a part of the experience, and when you're hyped up on adrenaline, you won't notice at all. However, there's a difference between a few stray punches and going for the throat of anyone and everyone, whether they're in the pit or not. The latter is usually called 'hatemoshing' or 'crowdkilling', and is frowned upon by almost anyone.
This is a simple example of 'reap what you sow' - if you continuously slug people in the stomach, prepare to have people rail on you a little harder. While at first it seems a little silly, concertgoers will recognize violent behavior and usually call you out on it. At a Black Label Society show I went to, a crowdkiller was punched in the head and escorted out of the pit by two burly fans. At hardcore shows, people will begin to pick fights with you, trip you, or worse. If you hit someone in a pit hard, make sure you apologize. During loud music, this can be difficult, so shake their hand, give them a hug, anything that shows you're sorry.
It also goes without saying that you'll make an ass out of yourself - and, especially at local shows, people have long memories. It goes without saying that if you're trying to get into your local scene, crowdkilling is a great way to get you marked as an ass.
4. Be ready to pick up anyone who falls.
This is a uniquely metal rule. Mosh pits will vary from show to show, but if you're throwing down to a heavy band, you generally don't have to worry about falling down. If you trip and start to go down, you can rest assured two or three people will rush to keep you on your feet. Likewise, if you see someone start to tumble, you should ensure they don't fall down if you're nearby.
In what's a bit of an oxymoron, you won't see this type of altruism at any other type of show. Trip at an indie or rock concert, and people will wholeheartedly trample you to take your spot. There have been stories on the internet of hiphop artists encouraging people to kick and beat fallen fans. Thus, it's somewhat ironic that you're usually far safer at a metal concert than anywhere else.
This rule extends to dropped items - if you see someone lose their keys or phone in the pit, find them and give it back.
5. Don't start a push pit at a hardcore show
As a general rule, hardcore shows generally frown on push pits, preferring instead to hardcore dance - flailing and kicking to the music that's playing. However, exceptions do exist. Scope out the pit before you enter.
6. Cooperate with security
Sometimes, things get too crazy. Maybe two drunk moshers collided too many times, maybe you pissed off someone in the pit. Whatever happens, remember that you originally came to see an artist play. Security personnel are unique in that they have the ability to prevent that from happening, or worse. If you're asked to stop moshing, crowdsurfing, or anything by a security guard, swallow your pride and do it. It's not worth getting kicked out, and these are people just trying to do their job.
7. Avoid people who are obviously inebriated, violent, etc.
It's a reality of life that people will go to shows drunk, or just be genuine douchenozzles. Don't expect everyone at a concert to be your friend - just because that one guy lent you his shoulder so you could tie your shoes doesn't mean he'll pull any punches if you run into each other in the pit.
However, there will always be those guys - the guys rule (3) referenced. Maybe they drank too much and feel particularly brazen, or maybe they're just indescribably angry. You can usually tell by the way they behave in a pit. They might not crowdkill, but throwing down without looking, getting the sides of the pit involved, or being a loud asshole between sets is generally a sign that you should avoid them.
If you find yourself involved with someone who's out for your blood, disengage as fast as possible. Refer to rule (6), if necessary. People aren't stupid, and you won't look like a coward for backing out of a fight with someone drunk.
8. Don't throw down at a metal show
Again, scope out the pit before you join in. Metal fans tend to reply less-than-well to hardcore dancers, so it's generally a bad idea to start throwing down when everyone else is pushing.
9. Be aware of your surroundings
Uh oh! A crowdsurfer just kicked you in the head. Some dude is barreling through the crowd to get to the pit. Someone else is stagediving right at you! Even if you aren't in a mosh pit, this is something useful to keep in mind. If you want to zone out and enjoy the live music, you may want to stay near the back, and while losing yourself in a mosh pit can be fun, you might miss a notorious crowdkiller making his violent entrance.
10. The Golden Rule: DBAD - Don't be a Dick
I can't stress this enough, but bottom line you should be doing your best not to be an asshat. Don't be rude to the band, your fellow pitters, the security staff, the bartender, the merch guy, or that bro who just elbowed you in the ribs to push past. This rule is the synthesis of other things I mentioned on this list - so it's DOUBLY important.
Metal and loud music is, in many ways, a brotherhood. Respect your brothers (or sisters) in heaviness. Don't break someone's nose if they throw down too close to you. Try and avoid large-scale conflicts. Go into a concert with the attitude that it's going to be a good time, and you're not going to let anyone else ruin it for you.
I hope this list has helped clarify some of the unspoken 'rules of the pit'. To conclude, you should feel no pressure to mosh. For every person in a mosh pit, there are twenty standing around just listening. If you feel intimidated or just don't feel up to it, don't worry. No one is going to judge you.
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